〔Polygonal Wolf:多角形オオカミ〕

〔PS4北米版 日本語未対応〕
溺れていく 告白と共に
Drowning is a short game about a boy who quickly discovers he has depression in his earlier years of high school. Walk through a variety of beautiful low-poly environments as a story unfolds about how he deals with depression.
You will play in the eyes of a young boy starting out high school in year 7, and play through his following years, where he learns that living with depression is like living with someone trying to put you down all the time.
Walk through all the beautiful environments with a lovely soundtrack that suits the current mood of the game, and find all the hidden endings.
溺死は、高校生の頃にうつ病にかかっていることにすぐに気付く少年についての短いゲームです。 彼がうつ病にどのように対処するかについての物語が展開するにつれて、さまざまな美しい低ポリ環境を歩きます。