The Town of Light(光の町)

12 March 1938. Renée, 16 years old, is ripped out of her world, locked up and deprived of everything.
Her only fault was that she didn't know what her place in the world was.
"A danger to herself and others and a cause of public scandal" wrote the police headquarters.
The only horror you will find in this game is the truth: a blow to the solar plexus, much more intense than any supernatural presence
The Town of Light is a psychological adventure told in the first person. The story is set in Italy in the first half of the 20th Century in a place which really existed and has been meticulously reconstructed. Exploring and interacting with the environment you will relive the history of the main character through her confused viewpoint and on the basis of your choices, the story will develop in different ways.
光の町は一人称で語られる心理的な冒険です。 物語は、20世紀前半のイタリアを舞台に、実際に存在し、細心の注意を払って再構築された場所にあります。 環境を探索して相互作用することで、主人公の混乱した視点から主人公の歴史を追体験し、選択に基づいて、物語はさまざまな方法で発展します。